Risk 2210 A.D. House Rules
Part of Doug's Games Page. Last updated: January 14, 2005

We like Risk 2210 A.D. and have extended the game in a couple of ways. The first way (and most common) is through the addition of custom command cards. The second way is through the modification of how devastated territories are created. The third, and most innovative, is the modification of the basic rules of the game. Check it out!

New Command Cards

Type/Name Cost When Description
 Diplomat - Spy Infiltrator 0 Before 1st invasion is declared. Steal one (1) card from any opponent (you may not look at your opponents cards - you must choose blindly. However your opponent must disclose how many of each type of card they have). You may immediately play the card if desired.
 Diplomat - Extend Game 4 At end of Year 5 (after last player's turn)  Extend the game 1 year.
 Nuclear - Chernobyl  5 Before 1st invasion is declared  Choose any territory (yours or opponents). That territory becomes a devastated territory (use a piece of paper or some other marker to denote this). All armies are destroyed with the exception of commanders. Any commanders on the chosen territory may be moved to any other territory (space, naval or land).

Devastated Territories Allocation

Instead of allocating the 4 devastated territories at the beginning of the game, we choose one devastated territory at the beginning of each turn, before turn bidding.

At the beginning of each year, before anything happens, one land card is drawn from the deck. All armies and space stations on the chosen territory are destroyed with the exception of commanders. Any commanders are relocated (ala Air Force One) to any other territory (space, naval or land) owned by the player who owned the devastated territory.

Doing this at the beginning of each turn creates 5 devastated territories. Use a piece of paper, spare die, spare 5.0 MOD from a non-used army or some other means to denote the 5th devastated territory.

Yes, this does happen after the initial setup before turn one. Yes, someone can get totally screwed if they placed all their armies in one territory. That is what makes it fun!

Alternate Game Play Rules

We feel that one of the most aggravating aspects of the traditional risk and still present in Risk 2210 A.D. is the ability for a player to completely overrun the board during their turn. This doesn't reflect the actual nature of war (one side isn't allowed to decide all its battles before the enemy decides their's).

To address this (perceived shortcoming) we have created a set of rules to try and balance the game a little more via some rules and the concept of an alternating version of risk where each player's actions are alternated during each phase.

The first rule change is that starting territories are done by dealing the cards to each army instead of alternating choice by players. Random assignment seems fairer (and faster). A related option is to (a) use the neutral or "mutant" army with 3 or 4 players and/or allocating water/space territories at the beginning as well. See 2 player rules below for some thoughts on this.

The second rule change is that continent bonus armies must be placed in the continent/lunar group/water group which generated the bonus. For example, if you own all of Australia, you must place your 2 bonus armies anywhere in Australia.

The third, and more significant rule change, is the concept of alternating play. Each phase (collect/place MODs, purchase/place commanders, purchase/play cards, invasions and free move) are done by alternating among each player. To clarify:



Nuclear Devastation Before anything happens, choose a devastated Land territory (as described above).
Turn bidding Same as usual (energy/dice rolling). Decides who goes first in alternation sequence. Alternation reduces importance of order of play, but order can be important for playing frequency jam cards.
Collect MODs/energy Collect energy for space stations, territories and continent bonuses. Ready armies for placement.
Place armies First place space station MODs. Second place continent bonus MODs in those continents/areas. Players can choose to alternate placement of each or just place them all at once. Finally place remaining armies one at a time, alternating between each player (in order determined by bidding), similar to initial setup process.
Purchase Commanders Each player, in bidding order, purchases the commanders they want.
Place commanders. Each player, in bidding order, places their commanders (if multiple commanders were purchased by an individual player, all commanders are placed at once).
Purchase cards Each player, in bidding order, purchases their cards. For example, if Player A won the bidding (via energy or dice), then Player A buys all his cards before the next player goes.
Play cards Cards are played, one at a time, in bidding order. In this case, a player may only play one card at a time. For example, if there are 3 players, then A, B, C each play one card each before A can play a 2nd card. This makes for interesting dynamics with frequency jam cards and assassin cards (for example, player A could kill player B's nuclear commander with his first card thereby preventing B from playing any nuclear cards).
Invade In turn order, invasions take place. Each player may only do one invasion from one territory to only one other territory. After that invasion is done (either won, lost or stopped), the next player goes. Any player may pass. The invasion phase ends when all players have passed in a row (starting with the top of the turn order established by bidding/dice rolls).
Free Move In turn order, each player does their free move.

Some notes about playing in this manner:

  • The "frequency jam card" is interpreted slightly differently. One player plays this against another player during the "play cards" phase. For the remainder of the Year, that player may not play any cards against the initiating player.
  • The bonus 1 energy and command card are claimed after the third contested territory is won (note: only 1 energy/command card during a year can be claimed even if you overtake 3+ territories).
  • If you have armies in two territories adjacent to a target territory, then invading from one territory counts as an invasion. If the 1st territory forces are depleted, then you have to wait until after the other players have gone to invade from the 2nd territory.
  • Passing during the invasion phase can have strategic advantage. The invasion phase is over only after each army has passed, starting with the winner of the bidding.

Alternate Game Play Rules - Two Players

A two player game, even with the neutral "mutant" MOD army (in our case, always the brown guys), can become quickly unbalanced. To counteract this, each player plays 2 armies in addition to there being a neutral army on the board. The winner is decided based on the total score of the smaller army (using the normal Risk 2210 scoring rules, including continents bonuses and colony influence cards).

For example, suppose at the end of turn 5, Player A has red and black where red has 10 territories and black has 7 territories. Player B has green and blue where green has 19 territories and blue has 6 territories. No continents or territories are held. The game winner is Player A because his second largest army (black) has 7, which beats Player B's second largest army (blue) with only 6.

The benefit of this scenario is that an individual player has no incentive to sacrifice one armies' territories to another.

A further extension of the two player rules is to divide up the space and naval territories at the beginning of the game. The division of territories is done via dealing the cards in the following manner to the four player armies and 1 mutant army:



Player armies


Space 6 to mutants 2 to each army (6 + 2*4 = 14 space territories)
Water 5 to mutants 2 to each army (5 + 2*4 = 13 water territories)
Land 6 to mutants 9 to each army (6 + 9*4 = 42 land territories)

We generally play these rules with the alternating rules described above.